Clinical and facial modifications in Class II division 1 patients treated with twin blocks. February 2016 - January 2017
twin blocks, occlusal modifications, class II division 1Abstract
When there is the Syndrome of Class II division 1 caused by mandibularretrognathism and the patient is at an age when he is growing, the therapeutic
method of mandibular advancement is used to eliminate this discrepancy
between the bony bases, whenever the patient doesn't present a prevalence of
the vertical growing of the face. There are still controversies about what
functional devices should be used preferably, that is why due to the possibilities
that the twin blocks offer unlike others, and the divergences of criteria about its
effect in the craniofacia complex, we expressed ourselves as objective. On this
objective, a study of quasi-experimental intervention of the type before and after
without group control was carried in the patients that came to the orthodontic
consultation of policlinic Juan Manuel Páez Inshausty, New Gerona, with ages
between 11 and 14 years in the period covered between February 2016 and
January 2017 with Syndrome of Class II Division 1 who should complete the
inclusion criteria, where an universe of 8 patients was used. The basic twin
blocks were set and the obtained clinical and facial changes were determined at
six months of initiating the active stage of treatment. 87.5% of the patients
obtained a straight profile; meanwhile a full bilabial closure was obtained at
100.0%. Molar and canine relation turned up in all patients. Overjet decreased
significantly ranging between an initial mean of 8.1 mm to 2.1 mm. As well as
overbite from 6 mm to 1.4 mm. The maxillary transverse width turned up
significantly. Twin blocks are an effective method for the treatment of this
malocclusion due to the clinical and facial modifications that they produce.
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