Use of cervicometry and the cervical consistency index in the prediction of prematurity



cervicometry, prematurity, cervical length, cervical consistency index


One of the most reliable tools used to predict spontaneous preterm birth is measurement of cervical length using ultrasound, but this alone may not detect two-thirds of women who will have a preterm birth. Its objective is to determine the predictive value of cervicometry and the cervical consistency index in the diagnosis of prematurity during the years 2019-2021 on the Isle of Youth. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out that included 70 patients in whom the results of cervicometry and cervical consistency index were determined by transvaginal ultrasound due to deformation between 12-15 weeks of gestation. Pregnant women between 20-24 years of age predominated (28.6%), from urban health areas (40.0%), with a gestational age between 34.0 and 36.6 weeks (77.1%) and those whose child had a birth weight of ˃2000 grams (77.1%). Vaginal discharge syndrome (54.3%), urinary tract infection (35.7%) and premature rupture of membranes (28.6%) were the most common obstetric conditions. Low-risk pregnant women predominated according to the cervicometry result (61.4%) and with a cervical consistency index <50th percentile (61.1%), with the highest predictive values ​​for the OCI and the stress test. The percentage of correct answers tripled for the ICC, a test that showed greater predictive capacity. No differences were found in the diagnostic performance of both tests for conized patients. As a unit test, the determination of the CCI represents a more reliable diagnostic tool in predicting prematurity in relation to cervicometry, although both tests complement each other and show high homogeneity.


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Author Biographies

Eliany Regalado Rodríguez, Héroes del Baire General Teaching Hospital

Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics

Heenry Luis Dávila Gómez, Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Isle of Youth

Doctor of Medical Sciences. Specialist in I and II degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Professor and Assistant Researcher


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How to Cite

Regalado Rodríguez E, Dávila Gómez HL. Use of cervicometry and the cervical consistency index in the prediction of prematurity. REMIJ [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];22(2):12. Available from:



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