Indiscriminate use of Information and Communications Technology, impact on adolescence
technologies of the information and the communications, adolescence, impact of the technologiesAbstract
The Technologies of the Information and the Communications (TIC) they are developed starting from the scientific advances taken place in the computer science environments and the telecommunications. They are the group of technologies that you/they allow the access, production, treatment and communication of information presented in different codes (text, image, sound). to Argue the impact of the indiscriminate use of the TIC, in the students of the Ability of Sciences Medical Island of the Youth, it is the objective of this work. The most representative element in the new technologies is without a doubt the computer and more specifically, Internet. The use that makes an adolescent of Internet can be problematic when the number of hours of connection affects the correct development of its daily life, causing him, states of drowsiness, alterations in its state of spirit or a significant reduction of the hours that he/she dedicates to the physical activities, can contribute to the sedentary lifestyle. The constant evaluation of the employment and behavior of the TIC on the part of adolescents should be object of valuation, reflection, feedback and improvement, as responsibility of the educational institutions and the community in general with the objective of guaranteeing the construction of a fair society.
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