Administration and planning of human capital in the health sector
Human capital, human resources, administration processesAbstract
The present article intends to analyze the current role of the human capital in the health sector, as well as the importance of planning its administration in the institutions of public health, as a way to guarantee the appropriate use, and to achieve efficiency in the different activities that are carried out to fulfill this purpose. This work has conceptual elements; the evolution of the human resources, the administration processes till the new concept of human capital and in second place the importance of the planning as a basic tool for the administration processes of the human capital in nowadays context. A bibliographical review was made on the theme that allowed the analysis of the content of the literature reviewed, the reflection on the role of human capital management for the development of the sector, and the need to carry out a planning process. Subsequent to the critical reading of the information search a selection of the documents was made according to relevant authors and published sites.Downloads
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