Motivación por la carrera de enfermería. Preuniversitario “Ignacio Agramante”. Santa Fe. Octubre - Noviembre 2016
motivation, students, vocation, infirmary, pedagogyAbstract
Introduction: the attitude towards the profession it develops as of motivations, that are slightly similar positive or negatively to the individual towards certain election. Many times the inclination or vocations for a run are considered the influence of near familiars, friends or the degree of knowledge that of this possesses. In order to identify the motivation for the profession of infirmary in the students of the Preuniversitario Ignacio Agramante, blessed faith, in the October period-November 2016. An exploratory, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. Universe of 227 students and a sample of 45 of them/it. For the obtaining of the information applied an inquiry about the variables to study and it is inspected the files of secretariat. The (82.3 %) went women and the (17.7 %) masculine, the age more represented went 16-17 years (48.9 %), the (80.0 %) says know more or less the run, the (93.3 %) never received vocational guidance, and the (95.7 %) of the surveyed students seat motivated to study infirmary. Female sex predominated, the group of age 16-17 years, the knowledge about the run, more or less. A high per cent never received vocacional preparation, and the great majority of the surveyed did not find motivated for studying infirmary.Downloads
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