Consequences of the improper use on imaging diagnostic means


  • Clariza Spencer Lamorú Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud
  • Bá¡rbara Daudinot Gómez Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud
  • Alexeis Peña Flores Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud
  • Rayza Rives Bofill Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud


improper use on Imaging Diagnostic Means, conventional x-ray, computerized axial tomography, echography, nuclear magnetic resonance, mammography


The present and future are the reflection of marks that upon Medicine scientific-technical revolution has left. The accelerated development of technology is already a reality and the improper usage of imaging diagnostic means is a dilemma we take the risk of not knowing how to face it, and undoubtedly, it will have a negative effect in population.

It often occurs that aggressive studies are prescribed to patients creating a stress charge. Other times, the physician himself/herself has violated the principles of the clinical method and as a quicker way of synthetizing or abbreviating this method,it is pretending the own technology to make the diagnosis, which has gradually led the clinical method to be abandoned. The clinical method is fundamental in medical assistance.Every physicianshould be aware of the responsibility it falls on his/her shoulders when ordering an imaging test, first because of the risks the patient faces, and second because of the cost of investigations.

Our physicians should be constantly aware of the rational usage of resources put in their hands, this make their actions to be more conscious, because the need of not wasting reagents is seen, materials among other resources, which are very expensive in the international market.

By making this work we proposed ourselves to demonstrate the usage and improper usage of imaging diagnostic means in our municipality.


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Author Biographies

Clariza Spencer Lamorú, Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud

Licenciada en Tecnología de la Salud. Perfil Imagenología. Profesor Asistente

Bá¡rbara Daudinot Gómez, Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud

Especialista de Primer Grado en Radiología. Profesor Auxiliar

Alexeis Peña Flores, Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud

Licenciado en Educación. Especialidad Inglés. Profesor Asistente

Rayza Rives Bofill, Filial de Ciencias Médicas Isla de la Juventud

Licenciada en Educación. Especialidad Biología. Profesor Asistente


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How to Cite

Spencer Lamorú C, Daudinot Gómez B, Peña Flores A, Rives Bofill R. Consequences of the improper use on imaging diagnostic means. REMIJ [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 1 [cited 2024 Nov. 5];16(2). Available from:



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