Pregnancy in the adolescence and its relation with new born low weight. PoliclÃnico. “Leonilda Tamayo Matos†2014- 2015
pregnancy in adolescence, newborn underweight, birth weight, risk factorsAbstract
A retrospective investigation was made in the area of the University PoliclÃnico “Leonilda Tamayo Matos†in the Special Municipality Island of Youth, year 2014- 2015. Our universe was represented by 180 pregnant adolescents and new born his, and the sample was conformed by 180 pregnant adolescents and 34 new born low weight of adolescent mothers. This work was made by the incidence of low weight when being born in our area, in order to identify the existing relation between the low weight when being born and the pregnancy in the adolescence. The membership card obstetrical and the record book of birth were reviewed. The collected data were process of manual form and it was observed that the adolescents presented/displayed 18.0 % of new born with low weight. All the studied variables were associate significantly with the low weight when being born and were identified as factors of risk with noticeable influence: in relation to the parity of the adolescent gestantes we found that the patients with a single childbirth were those that contributed lower weight when being born and that the degree of finished primary schooling was the level that more new born low weight contributed; the vaginal sepsis, followed of the cervical modifications, was the complications that predominated more in the result of the low weight when being born.Downloads
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